
are there any delays معنى

  • هل هناك أي تأخير
  • are    هل
  • there    adv. هناك, هنالك, ...
  • any    adj. بعض, لا أحد, ...
  • delays    التأخيرات

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. are men necessary? معنى
  2. are repairs included in the guarantee معنى
  3. are the repairs covered by my insurance معنى
  4. are there any authentic restaurants around here معنى
  5. are there any cheap restaurants around here معنى
  6. are there any discount fares for multiple trips معنى
  7. are there any discounts معنى
  8. are there any discounts for children معنى
  9. are there any discounts for groups معنى
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